Xero and Modulr

About Modulr and Xero

Modulr has an integration with Xero, which allows you to use Modulr accounts to make payments from Xero.

The Xero connection panel in the Modulr Portal

The Xero connection panel in the Modulr Portal

What does Modulr do when connected to Xero?

Once you've run accounts payable as usual in Xero (either single bills or as batches), sign in to the Modulr Portal and you'll see the payments waiting for approval. Once approved, the payments will send. Payments that require funds will wait until funds are available in the Modulr account. Payments that are dated for the future will wait until the send date to send (if funds are available on that date).

You can also sync your employee payroll to be paid from Modulr too.

Follow the links below to learn about connecting Xero to Modulr, setting up accounts and making payments.

See also

Setting up Xero and Modulr →

Xero payment conditions →

Making a payment with Xero →

Making a batch payment with Xero →

Xero notifications →

How do I know when Approvals are waiting? →