Variable Recurring Payments
VRP callouts
Modulr Variable Recurring Payments is available as a Private Beta version.
The Variable Recurring Payments product is only available to customers configured for Sweeping VRP in the Modulr platform.
Variable Recurring Payments (VRPs) are a type of payment method that allows users to set up recurring payments which can vary in amount and frequency, all under a single consent.
In our guides we use the term "bank" to generically refer to the organisation providing the payment account to the end user, also known as the "Account Servicing Payment Service Provider" (ASPSP). This will therefore include non-banks such as e-money institutions and building societies.
We also use the term "consent" to refer to the VRP parameters that a user authenticates, under which VRP payments are subsequently made. This is sometimes referred to as a VRP "mandate" in Open Banking industry materials, but they mean the same thing.
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Updated 7 months ago