Webhook - Inbound Payments

Inbound Payment

The PAYIN event is triggered when a Payment reaches your Modulr EMI account or a Refund is processed in a card that's associated with one of your accounts

TypeType of Payment received
PayeeDetails of the Payee including Name, Address if available and Sortcode and Account Number.
PayerDetails of the Payer including Name, Address if available and Sortcode and Account Number. There May also be Email, Phone Number and DOB in this block if the information is available.
AmountAmount of the Payment
EventIdUnique id for the webhook event. This can change if webhook needs to be resent.
CurrencyCurrency of the Payment Received.
DateTimeThe Date and timestamp when the Payment was posted to Modulr - All Dates and times are UTC based.
AccountIdModulr Unique Account reference for the account that received the payment
EventNameType of event: PAYIN - Funds received to an Account
EventTimeDate and Timestamp for the Event - All Dates and times are UTC based.
PaymentAppliedTimeThe exact date and timestamp when the payment has been credited to the receiver's account
PayerNameName of the Payer who sent the Payment
PaymentIdModulr Unique Payment Reference for the payment received.
SchemeInfoScheme information for the received payment in this example this is a FPID
ReturnReasonDisplay the return reason for the returned transaction. See Payment Return Reasons
TransactionIdModulr Unique Transaction Reference for the payment received. Transactions are only created when a payment is processed successfully in case of failed payment it is possible to receive a webhook without a TransactionId.
OriginalSchemeIdReferences the original FPID (Faster Payment ID)
PaymentReferenceReference associated with the Payment
AccountExternalRefThis is the Alias Name given on the Modulr Platform to the sending account
SourceExternalReferenceThis is the External Reference that is set on the payment request in the field: externalReference. This can be used to link payments back to your system using a unique identifier.
OriginatedOverseasThis flag identifies if the received payment originated overseas.
OriginatingPaymentDetails of the Institution the payment was received from.

Duplication Check

PaymentId should be used as your main duplication check, as there are times where the EventId could change or in the event of a failed payment the TransactionId would be empty. This is important particularly if a webhook has failed and needs to be resent.

Example PAYIN Webhooks

Faster Payment Example

    "Type": "PI_FAST",
    "Payee": {
        "Name": "Harry Potter",
        "Address": {},
        "Identifier": {
            "Type": "SCAN",
            "SortCode": "040010",
            "AccountNumber": "00001457"
    "Payer": {
        "Name": "Hermione Granger",
        "Address": {},
        "Identifier": {
            "Type": "SCAN",
            "SortCode": "203002",
            "AccountNumber": "00004588"
    "Amount": "6.00",
    "EventId": "7a1b81bc-5d5c-4045-9099-66b6ea841969",
    "Currency": "GBP",
    "DateTime": "2020-01-01T16:38:06+0000",
    "AccountId": "A120C8D3",
    "EventName": "PAYIN",
    "EventTime": "2020-01-01T16:38:06+0000",
    "PaymentAppliedTime": "2020-01-01T16:38:06+0000",
    "PayerName": "Hermione Granger",
    "PaymentId": "P12000MWF8",
    "SchemeInfo": {
        "Id": "FP00009O144093771020200101826070123"
    "TransactionId": "T12000N5TJ",
    "PaymentReference": "Payment from Hermione Granger: For herbs",
    "AccountExternalRef": "HOGWARTS ACADEMY",
    "OriginatedOverseas": false,
    "OriginatingPayment": {
        "Institution": {
            "Id": "070436"

Internal Transfer Webhook Example

The following scenarios are where you would receive an internal transfer webhook:
Payment between two different accounts on the same customer
Payment between two different accounts on different customers under the same partner
Payment between two different accounts that are both Modulr Clients

    "Type": "INT_INTERC",
    "Payer": {
        "Name": "Harry Potter",
        "Email": "HPotter1@hogwarts.co.uk",
        "Address": {
            "Country": "GB",
            "PostCode": "CR3 8UN",
            "PostTown": "Little Whinging",
            "AddressLine1": "4 Privet Drive"
        "BirthDate": "1980-07-31",
        "Identifier": {
            "Type": "SCAN",
            "SortCode": "040010",
            "AccountNumber": "00001245"
        "PhoneNumber": "+(44)7712345678"
    "Amount": "25",
    "EventId": "c02d2949-d5d6-4dfd-af17-bc0c8686d041",
    "Currency": "GBP",
    "DateTime": "2020-01-01T16:58:01+0000",
    "AccountId": "A120C8D3",
    "EventName": "PAYIN",
    "EventTime": "2020-01-01T16:58:01+0000",
    "PayerName": "Harry Potter",
    "PaymentId": "P12000MWF9",
    "TransactionId": "T12000N5TT",
    "PaymentReference": "IC/T12000N5T2",
    "AccountExternalRef": "HOGWARTS ACADEMY",
    "OriginatedOverseas": false,
    "SourceExternalReference": "Haz Pots"

BACS Payment Webhook Example

    "Type": "PI_BACS",
    "Payee": {
        "Name": "Ronald Weasley",
        "Identifier": {
            "Type": "SCAN",
            "SortCode": "040010",
            "AccountNumber": "00004785"
    "Payer": {
        "Name": "Fred Weasley",
        "Identifier": {
            "Type": "SCAN",
            "SortCode": "011000",
            "AccountNumber": "00004124"
    "Amount": "20.11",
    "EventId": "67fcb4d1-b6f2-4377-af31-9e9061f3189d",
    "Currency": "GBP",
    "DateTime": "2020-01-01T03:06:30+0000",
    "AccountId": "A120C8D9",
    "EventName": "PAYIN",
    "EventTime": "2020-01-01T09:03:15+0000",
    "PayerName": "Fred Weasley",
    "PaymentId": "P12000MWF1",
    "SchemeInfo": {
        "Id": "58e0494627027e37c2d367191c9d4fee4f571ba396268d143eb536ff5aedd6f5-0F78B466",
        "Name": "BACS"
    "TransactionId": "T12000N5T1",
    "PaymentReference": "Payment from Fred Weasley: 60046452",
    "AccountExternalRef": "Ron's Cash",
    "OriginatedOverseas": false

Direct Debit Payment In Webhook Example

    "Type": "PI_DD",
    "Amount": "40.99",
    "EventId": "ba187786-11b9-48ef-b1ea-894abcbc2eb7",
    "Currency": "GBP",
    "DateTime": "2020-01-01T12:19:21+0000",
    "AccountId": "A120C8D5",
    "EventName": "PAYIN",
    "EventTime": "2020-01-01T12:19:21+0000",
    "PayerName": "",
    "PaymentId": "A120C8D5_363921",
    "TransactionId": "T12000N5T1",
    "PaymentReference": "Dumbledore - 208856PU",
    "AccountExternalRef": "8162f318-e215-4802-a406-b17dbee8e434",
    "OriginatedOverseas": false

Chaps Payment Webhook Example

    "Type": "PI_CHAPS",
    "Payee": {
        "Name": "Severus Snape",
        "Identifier": {
            "Type": "SCAN",
            "SortCode": "040010",
            "AccountNumber": "47900002"
    "Payer": {
        "Name": "Albus Dumbledore",
        "Identifier": {
            "Type": "SCAN",
            "SortCode": "608310",
            "AccountNumber": "40004668"
    "Amount": "50.00",
    "EventId": "f8484677-30df-457a-845f-1d632d7b3ec1",
    "Currency": "GBP",
    "DateTime": "2020-01-01T17:03:51+0000",
    "AccountId": "A120C8E2",
    "EventName": "PAYIN",
    "EventTime": "2020-01-01T17:03:52+0000",
    "PayerName": "Albus Dumbledore",
    "PaymentId": "P12000MTT1",
    "SchemeInfo": {
        "Id": "e91d650f38bf4130b91020200101826601270",
        "Name": "TRANSFER"
    "TransactionId": "T12000N5Y1",
    "PaymentReference": "Payment from Albus Dumbledore: Transfer",
    "AccountExternalRef": "Snape Funds",
    "OriginatedOverseas": false

SEPA Webhook Example

    "Type": "PI_SECT",
    "Payee": {
        "Name": "Draco Malfoy",
        "Address": {},
        "Identifier": {
            "Bic": "MOCKGB22XXX",
            "Iban": "GB17MOCK04001000002271",
            "Type": "IBAN"
    "Payer": {
        "Name": "Dobby",
        "Address": {
            "Country": "ES",
            "AddressLine1": "BERTAMIRANS",
            "AddressLine2": "DO POETA DA MAIA 17 PISO 3 PUERTA"
        "Identifier": {
            "Bic": "BBVEESMMXXX",
            "Iban": "ES4501821265660206212452",
            "Type": "IBAN"
    "Amount": "20",
    "EventId": "a72063a0-8774-4ceb-ab14-401fcd5e7068",
    "Currency": "EUR",
    "DateTime": "2020-01-01T07:20:00+0000",
    "AccountId": "A120C8E2",
    "EventName": "PAYIN",
    "EventTime": "2020-01-01T07:20:03+0000",
    "PayerName": "Draco Malfoy",
    "PaymentId": "P12000MTB1",
    "SchemeInfo": {
        "Id": "NOTPROVIDED",
        "Name": "SEPA"
    "TransactionId": "T12000N5V4",
    "PaymentReference": "Payment from Dobby: NOTPROVIDED",
    "AccountExternalRef": "Draco's Account",
    "OriginatedOverseas": true
    "Type": "PI_SEPA_INST",
    "Payee": {
        "Name": "Draco Malfoy",
        "Address": {},
        "Identifier": {
            "Bic": "MOCKGB22XXX",
            "Iban": "GB17MOCK04001000002271",
            "Type": "IBAN"
    "Payer": {
        "Name": "Dobby",
        "Address": {
            "Country": "ES",
            "AddressLine1": "BERTAMIRANS",
            "AddressLine2": "DO POETA DA MAIA 17 PISO 3 PUERTA"
        "Identifier": {
            "Bic": "BBVEESMMXXX",
            "Iban": "ES4501821265660206212452",
            "Type": "IBAN"
    "Amount": "20",
    "EventId": "a72063a0-8774-4ceb-ab14-401fcd5e7068",
    "Currency": "EUR",
    "DateTime": "2020-01-01T07:20:00+0000",
    "AccountId": "A120C8E2",
    "EventName": "PAYIN",
    "EventTime": "2020-01-01T07:20:03+0000",
    "PayerName": "Draco Malfoy",
    "PaymentId": "P12000MTB1",
    "SchemeInfo": {
        "Id": "NOTPROVIDED",
        "Name": "SEPA_INSTANT"
    "TransactionId": "T12000N5V4",
    "PaymentReference": "Payment from Dobby: NOTPROVIDED",
    "AccountExternalRef": "Draco's Account",
    "OriginatedOverseas": true

Card Refund Webhook Example

The PaymentId field contains the card activity BID which you can use to query additional details from the card activities API

    "Type": "PI_VISA",
    "Amount": "40.99",
    "EventId": "ba187786-11b9-48ef-b1ea-894abcbc2eb7",
    "Currency": "GBP",
    "DateTime": "2020-01-01T12:19:21+0000",
    "AccountId": "A120C8D5",
    "EventName": "PAYIN",
    "EventTime": "2020-01-01T12:19:21+0000",
    "PayerName": "",
    "PaymentId": "X11000DYTA", // Card Activity ID
    "TransactionId": "T12000N5T1",
    "PaymentReference": "Dumbledore - 208856PU",
    "AccountExternalRef": "8162f318-e215-4802-a406-b17dbee8e434",
    "SourceExternalReference": "10",  // Order ID
    "OriginatedOverseas": false

Outbound Reversed Payments Webhook Example

The following example illustrates the use of the PAYIN Webhook for the scenario of a returned payment which is sent back as separate operation after been correctly flagged as a return.

This scenario only applies to transactions of type PO_REV. The PAYIN Webhook is used because the reversal of a payment OUT is a payment IN.

Note that notifications are not sent for transactions of type PI_REV.

	"Type": "PO_REV",
	"Payee": {
		"Name": "Ibrahim Tijani",
		"Address": {
			"Country": "GB",
			"AddressLine1": "191 Ballards RoadDagenhamRM10 9AR"
		"Identifier": {
			"Type": "SCAN",
			"Country": "GB",
			"SortCode": "040085",
			"AccountNumber": "07182376"
	"Payer": {
		"Name": "Ibrahim Tijani",
		"Address": {},
		"Identifier": {
			"Type": "SCAN",
			"SortCode": "230363",
			"AccountNumber": "00415988"
	"Amount": "0.01",
	"EventId": "b18a3885-082b-410e-96e1-e6be7c4d1d1b",
	"Currency": "GBP",
	"DateTime": "2021-12-03T00:01:20+0000",
	"AccountId": "A216XFNF",
	"EventName": "PAYIN",
	"EventTime": "2021-12-03T00:01:21+0000",
	"PayerName": "Ibrahim Tijani",
	"PaymentId": "P21071YXQW",
	"SchemeInfo": {
		"Id": "17470906129345513 2020211203826232507"
	"ReturnReason": "Account blocked",
	"TransactionId": "T2109NH5Q1",
	"OriginalSchemeId": "MODULO00P21071YXQF1020211203826040085",
	"PaymentReference": "Return: Ibrahim Tijani - 9byGaQj1",
	"AccountExternalRef": "78a3532d-3315-41db-b8dc-c4f5d525a143",
	"OriginatedOverseas": false,
	"OriginatingPayment": {
		"Institution": {}
	"PaymentAppliedTime": "2021-12-03T00:01:20.841+0000"