Getting Sandbox Access
Getting access to our Sandbox
To test out our API or Customer Portal you will need to register for access to our sandbox environment. To do so, complete the form here.
Sandbox default functionality
Your sandbox environment will be configured as a Direct Customer and you'll be provided with:
- API credentials
- Admin user credentials
- A single GBP account credited with £50,000 of fictitious money
Within the Sandbox environment, you can:
- Manage users
- Manage accounts
- Manage payment rules
- Manage beneficiaries
- Manage payments
- Credit your accounts with additional fictitious money via the Sandbox only credit endpoint
Sandbox functionality that can be enabled
We can configure the sandbox environment as a Partner such that you can:
- Manage customers
We can also enable the ability to:
- Create EUR (SEPA) accounts
- Manage Direct Debit collections
- Manage Virtual cards
- Manage payment approvals (including creating admin users with approval permissions)
- Allow waiting for funds before payments are made
Within the Sandbox environment there are two authentication methods available:
If you are accessing our API directly from your code and have set-up HMAC (Instructions here) on how to calculate the hmac value are here: Authentication), the URL you should use for the Modulr API sandbox environment is:
If you wish to try our API's without first setting up HMAC, you can use our token URL instead:
Authentication in Production
HMAC is the only authentication method used in Production. Use of the token is only in our Sandbox environment.
You will be provided with the production environment URL during onboarding to the production service.
Failing to use the correct URLs may result in requests being rejected or silently ignored
There can be additional onboarding processes for certain functionality:
Getting started with DD collections →
Getting started with Virtual Cards →
Sandbox Customer Portal Access
With your Sandbox account, you will have access to the Sandbox Modulr Portal. You can learn more about using this portal in our Modulr Portal Knowledge Base here.
Updated 8 months ago