Getting started with VRP
VRP functionality can be integrated into your own app, website or using a URL link sent directly to end users.
For Sandbox Access
- You have registered with the Modulr Sandbox.
- You have provided our implementation team with your own secure redirect URL, where your end users will be redirected after authenticating with their bank.
- You have received the bank's sandbox login credentials from our implementation team.
Sandbox access
Our sandbox is currently connected to RBS for testing purposes. This enables you to simulate the entire end-to-end flow but note that real payments will not be made.
For Production
- You have been fully onboarded as Partner or Direct Customer and you have provided us with your secure redirect URL for the production environment.
- We have reviewed and approved your implementation and user interface to ensure it complies with our guidelines and regulatory requirements.
Prerequisites of a Sweeping transaction
The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) have outlined the key features that a payment must have for it to be classified as a sweeping VRP.
- The source account needs to be a personal current account (PCA) or business current account (BCA).
- The destination account is an account into which a domestic payment can be made by the payer’s bank’s direct channel.
- Both accounts are UK sterling accounts.
- The payment can be an unattended payment, not requiring any interaction by or presence of the PSU at the time of making the payment.
- The transaction is between two accounts belonging to the same person or legal entity.
See VRP overview for further details
Updated 7 months ago