Webhook - Direct Debit, DD Collection Status

Succesful Collections

The DDCollectionStatus event is triggered when the collection has reached Day 5 of the collection cycle and we consider the collection as successful.

  "Amount": "7.68",
  "EventId": "343a583e-e4e7-42f2-a77f-0e9f71cd07e2",
  "Currency": "GBP",
  "SortCode": "000000",
  "AccountId": "A120XYJ1",
  "EventTime": "2024-07-02T09:30:01+0000",
  "MandateId": "G2107Q0Y",
  "CustomerId": "",
  "AccountName": "ACCOUNT HOLDER",
  "CollectionId": "K21000544F",
  "AccountNumber": "70851219",
  "Representable": false,
  "CollectionDate": "2024-06-28",
  "CollectionStatus": "SUCCESS",
  "MandateReference": "KXMIRNBDRO",
  "ServiceUserNumber": "570832",
  "DirectDebitDirection": "Inbound"

Unsuccesful Collections

The DDCollectionStatus event is triggered when Modulr receives an ARUDD (Automated return of an unapplied Direct Debit). The collection amount will be returned to the Sending bank.

  "Amount": "7.68",
  "EventId": "ff838f2d-4200-46bf-a011-8a00d3a4f8f1", 
  "Currency": "GBP", 
  "SortCode": "000000", 
  "AccountId": "A120XYJ1", 
  "EventTime": "2024-07-02T09:16:03+0000", 
  "MandateId": "G2107Q0Y", 
  "CustomerId": "", 
  "AccountName": "ACCOUNT HOLDER", 
  "CollectionId": "K21000544F", 
  "ReturnReason": "Instruction Cancelled", 
  "AccountNumber": "70851219", 
  "Representable": false, 
  "CollectionDate": "2024-07-01", 
  "CollectionStatus": "FAILED", 
  "MandateReference": "KXMIRNBDRO", 
  "ReturnReasonCode": "INSTRUCTION_CANCELLED", 
  "ServiceUserNumber": "570832", 
  "DirectDebitDirection": "Inbound"

The table below shows the list of ARUDD reasons, Modulr's actions on the Mandate and Collection Schedule, and if they are Re-presentable (if retries are allowed).

ReasonModulr Mandate ActionModulr Collection Schedule ActionRepresentable?
Refer to PayerNo ActionNo ActionY
Instruction CancelledCancelCancelN
Payer DeceasedCancelCancelN
Account TransferredSuspendSuspendN- Resubmission won't be changing anything on this collection, a New collection would have to be created with the updated details.
Advance Notice DisputedSuspendSuspendY
No account(Or wrong account type)CancelCancelN
No instructionCancelCancelN
Amount DiffersSuspendSuspendY
Amount not yet DueSuspendSuspendY
Presentation overdueSuspendSuspendY
Service user differsCancelCancelN
Payer has closed their account for an unknown reasonCancelCancelN