
Payments are at the heart of the Modulr platform.

The following pages provide detail on the following payment concepts:

Outbound PaymentFunds sent out of a Modulr account to another account held at Modulr or elsewhere.
Inbound PaymentsFunds received into a Modulr account from another account held at Modulr or elsewhere.
Payment TypesThe various ways in which payment are categorised.
Payment StatusesThe various states a payment can be in whilst being processed.
Payment ApprovalsApproving payments before they are processed.
Future Dated PaymentsDelaying the sending of outbound payments to some date in the future.
Waiting for FundsWaiting for the source account to have sufficient funds before a payment is processed.
Payment RulesTransferring funds to alterative accounts upon receipt of inbound payments.


Payments in the Sandbox Environment

The sandbox environment is for testing purposes and is therefor isolated from the live environment. When making outbound payments or receiving inbound payments, no real money is involved.

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