General Tokenisation Setup
Visa Metadata Requirements
To ensure a card program is set up correctly for Tokenisation you will need to provide Modulr the following information:
- Digital Card Art
- Digital Icon
- Visa Co-Brand Reference
- Privacy Policy URL
- Terms & Conditions URL
- Terms & Conditions (plain text file)
- Customer Service Contact Number
- Customer Service Email Address
- Website URL
- Fraud Service Contact Number (if different from above)
- iOS Mobile Banking App Launch URL
- iOS Mobile Banking App ID
- iOS Mobile Banking Store ID
- Android Mobile Banking App Name
- Android Mobile Banking URL
Digital Card Art
Below are the specifications on how the digital card art will need to be presented:
- Card art should represent the physical card, but should not be a picture/photo of the physical card
- Card shouldn’t include shading or three-dimensional elements attempting to look like a physical card
- Card art should not include cardholder name, PAN, BIN or expiry, either generically or the actual values
- Card art should not include items that only make sense on a physical plastic card, such as labels describing embossed attributes, or EMVchip contacts, or static pictures of dynamic elements like holograms
- Card art may include the Contactless Indicator, even if the physical card is not contactless enabled
- Corners on card art must be squared
- Card art must be landscape orientation, 1536 pixel x 969 pixel (proportional to an ISO ID-1 size card) and submitted as a.PNG file
- Card art should be in 72 DPIColor format for all sizes is RGB, 16+ color bit depth, non-interlaced
- Files must be named using the following file structure:D-[Issuer Name]-[Filename].png
The card program will also need to supply the colouring used for the cards in the following format:
- Background - rgb(rrr, ggg, bbb) ie. rgb(122, 255, 84). Range is 0 to 255.
- Foreground - rgb(rrr, ggg, bbb) ie. rgb(122, 255, 84). Range is 0 to 255.
- Label - rgb(rrr, ggg, bbb) ie. rgb(122, 255, 84). Range is 0 to 255.
Digital Icon Specifications
- Icon must be 100 x 100 pixels and submitted in a PNG format
- This icon will be used for things like notifications related to the card.
- This icon should be the primary brand associated with the card in the wallet, either the bank or the co-brand, if applicable
Updated 3 months ago