How do I view a Card's details?

Viewing a card's detail page in the Modulr Portal

Viewing a card's detail page in the Modulr Portal

To see all the details of a particular card:

  1. When viewing the cards on an account See here
  2. Select the card you want to view
  3. The card’s details are displayed in the grey box along with a table of its activity below
  4. Select ‘View/Update details’ from the Card Options menu to view the full details that were entered to create the card.

Card details explained

Card IDThe card’s unique ID in the Modulr system
Cardholder nameThe cardholder name entered when the card was created
Expiry dateThe date after which the card can no longer be used
PANThe 16-digit number unique to the card
Lifetime limitThe maximum accumulated amount that can ever be spent on the card
Lifetime spendThe total accumulated amount that has been spent on the card to date
Maximum card limitThe maximum that can be spent on the card before being paid off
External referenceThe reference provided by the Partner
Card StatusWhether the card is in an active state or other such as blocked etc

Card Statuses

Information relating the Card Statuses, how they occur, and what they mean can be found in our api Guides here