[Restricted] Expire an existing authorisation

[Restricted] Expire an existing authorisation

This Endpoint will allow you to cancel any pending authorisations so that you can release the reserved funds back to the available balance. Authorisations expired automatically after 7 days, pre-authorisations after 10 days. This endpoint should not be exposed within a Cardholder UI to allow them to release funds. Providing access within Cardholder UI poses a serious risk of accounts becoming overdrawn as transactions may be authorised without the necessary funds to clear and settle back to the merchant. Any overdrawn balances would be the liability of the partner and not Modulr.

The endpoint should ideally be connected to your internal admin/CRM Service as a manual check should will be required before releasing the funds.

The Cardholder should provide some evidence that the merchant has declined the authorisation or will not take payment.

  • screenshot of decline message for e-commerce
  • copy of void/decline receipt for POS

Once you have confirmed that the payment will not be taken, the funds can be released back to the cardholder.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!