ModConnect - January 2024


Top picks this month

  • Cards | Authorisation Windows
  • Cards | Custom Reference Fields
  • Direct Debit | Represent Direct Debit

New this month

Cards | Authorisation Windows

You can now set a window of time that a card can be used for transacting purposes, preventing authorisations from taking place on a card outside the agreed time, giving you greater control over the use of the card. For more information, head to Readme.

Cards | Custom Reference Fields

You are now able to set up, use and manage Custom Reference Fields with cards, allowing additional information to be added to transactions. For more information on setting up and managing Custom Reference fields, please visit ReadMe.

Direct Debit | Represent a Direct Debit

In the instance where a Direct Debit collection payment fails, you are now able to attempt to re-submit a failed Direct Debit collection. This is known as Representment.

You can only initiate a representment if the failed Direct Debit is marked as 'REPRESENTABLE'. This status indicates that the payment is eligible for a second attempt. The representment must occur within 30 days from the date of the original collection request.

For more information on how to represent a Direct Debit via the API please visit ReadMe.

Upcoming Changes

Onboarding | Onfido for Shareholders

We are excited to announce that Onfido for Shareholders will shortly be available for partners that use the customer portal to onboard new clients. We have extended our integration with our digital identity provider, Onfido, to include instant verification of shareholders or business owners during the application process!

This will reduce the time we take to verify your customers, resulting in a better experience for your customers and faster access to their Modulr accounts.

If you want to learn more about this upcoming update, please contact your Customer Success Manager.

Modulr Sandbox | Changes to Notification Webhook IP Addresses - Reminder

To continue improving our services, we’re making changes to the public IP addresses used by our Sandbox environment. If you grant access to Modulr’s Sandbox services into your network via a firewall (for example, to receive notification webhooks), you must make updates to ensure that service remains uninterrupted. Please add the following IP address to any firewall rulesets that permit Modulr’s Sandbox environment to access to your systems:

  • Address:
  • Description: Modulr Sandbox

No existing rules or addresses will be revoked at this time.

Changes to our sandbox services to start using this IP address will take effect from March 12th if you have any questions, please reach out to our Customer Support team.

Minor Enhancements & Bugs Resolved

Accounts | Funds Sweeping & Rules Validation Enhancements

The balances reserved on accounts (e.g., pending payments, unsettled card transactions) are now taken into consideration when funds are swept on a daily basis. This will ensure that the automatic transfer of funds is based on the available funds in the account, rather than failing to execute if the available balance does not match the actual balance.

Any account historic rules that contain invalid destinations (e.g., using an account ID as the destination instead of the beneficiary ID), have been automatically disabled to prevent future failing payments.